2010년 11월 2일 화요일

The bottom layer of the cupboard that has a white military uniform

Wake up already twilight, golden twilight streaming into the house in the clear leaning on the window, thinking about it complicated heart Fang Shaoqi.
At that very moment, far to see a purple robe Murong twill collar Jin came up and down like he was covered in a layer of plated gold, reminding us of scenes Heaven.
Does have a cooling off a bit to see him to tension, it seems like every time they broke up all conversation.
Murong into Daofang Zhong Jin, see some cautious of the clear, looking at her, hesitated a moment, "you body better?"
The clear smiled politely, "nothing serious, and courtesy of Royal Highness to miss."
Last night he came to her tuck, today gave her sable cloak.
The clear view of the heart of the Murong Kam has changed, but it is not love.
Murong Jin nodded, "That is good! I,ll take something."
Walked in front of said cabinet, the bottom layer of the cupboard that has a white military uniform.
Jin had a room here is Murong, since the wedding, he has been living in the library on the second floor.
Jealousy ①
Imperial Garden, the autumn wind howling, Ying Fei Xiang Fei Road smile, "life is good cousin, who is married to the emperor, is such a favorite in a three thousand, but so are the envy of women the world ah!"
Xiang Fei smiled gently, fold down the blooming chrysanthemums, Xinshou piece tearing petals, "but the concubines also, ah, just like the waves of the bamboo shoots after the rain, the Emperor is fond of me, maybe This day became a fallen woman. "Xiang Fei complained.
Ying Fei Xiang Fei gently touched the belly Road, "you work harder cousin is pregnant with a Dragon as soon as possible, christian louboutin shoes on sale seat of the place that master meter world not to be within sight."
Xiang Fei Ying slightly tilted red mouth that road, "since the shock of the assassin gang Zhong Sheng Jia Festival, the emperor had been almost two weeks not call it lucky wives, and I was not that easy to conceive ah!"
Xiang Fei think of anything like the Road, "Yes, Princess Zhao poisoning, and now all right?"
Princess Princess Ying Zhao said it reminded her Murong Kam cold heart to look to the airway, "has just finished the wedding ... ... Royal Highness does not like her, and she poisoned the princes to overnight in guarding her, I kindly let princes to me that something to eat, he was also kicked out of the house was the eldest son of the prime minister to find out what kind of magic immortality, and now all right. "
She wanted to say that the wedding had just finished Princess Zhao was driven out of the royal princes, but this body, after all, big, ugly Kwan, she was afraid that she had it been allowed out Murong Jin Jue Shegen afraid I can not Qingrao her disorder, so She had no place even the palace. Although Xiang Fei was her cousin, she was afraid of complications.
Xiang Fei wavefront micro-switch and asked, "do not all still rumors that the snow was a teenage Xiaowa Mu when the prince saw her this side of Chao after they decided not to stand at attention Princess, just as she grew up, like my cousin so background conditions, but also made a side room, how will this prince did not like her? "
Ying Fei Road, "the hearts of princes deep sea, who can guess the know!" Her heart is love Mumu Rong Jin, but it is very afraid of him.

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