2010년 11월 16일 화요일

Said that they will be nipped in the cradle of China

beating, several bullets hit the beams of blue Hao feet, splashed with wet soil, but they cannot be blocked the advance of the blue Ho---- Suddenly, perhaps because the firepower fangs too fierce, several bullets flying to the rapid-Bang, Bang-directly hit the poisonous teeth, flak jackets and took him out. "fangs-loudly called the" Blue Hao, but there is no opportunity to help him, because this is in the battlefield. The death of the death penalty, christian louboutin shoes I would like to kill you! ! Blue Hao roars, open the 95 rifle grenade launchers, monitoring "--" One and a white smoke grenades flew to the previous two seals. "boom----" To avoid their time on the day the bombing of the air was filled with the blood---- At this difficult fangs stood up, his mouth with blood, "the death of the death penalty, I have actually broken ribs. " Fang strong with RT-15 machine guns "wild sweep. A late avoid directly by the enemy swept into mud meat--- Looking at the Fang nothing, blue Ho called a sigh of relief, to continue to attack enemy. This is a sophisticated special forces of the two warring, is on the war---- Prince see enemy attack began to capture the exciting sniper rifles, prepared to fight unprepared enemies -- the excitement of excitement, it does not have lost the prince calm. When he is ready to start shooting, suddenly found in the wake of the branches. "The situation. "Prince was surprised, because he was found to be so close, it is clear that it is a veteran. Prince did not come to a standstill, a body search, seize who left the tree has already been tied to the rope directly to the decline. "The right hand tied to a pistol, behind the gun is 3. The prince surprise attack on the United States team seals, there is a rich experiences in the war in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan, is a long war battlefield of the special team members. This had been sent to eradicate this information, and Rookie of the Chinese special forces, said that they will be nipped in the cradle of China, s special troops because it is truly terrible-serious thought to the Chinese special forces troops are still rookie, there is much less. When he found a tree in the Prince, exposed the evil with a smile, killed because of this, he will cut the throat of 20----- and slowly climb the tree, a fatal blow to him, but the security of the little prince, is that it is just a small branches. of the "--" The voice is cut off branches, it was in the immediate prey suddenly away and saw the gun, despite all the enemies of jumped from the tree. He has left behind by the bullets hit the tree trunk---- Prince slipping on the ground, not stop direct a tumble, lie on the side of the trees, bushes. call -- "where he is! "The Prince Wolf eyes staring at around looking for the courage to sneak direct prey. suddenly left behind a stir, Prince to quickly turned over to fire, but only a pair of pliers as a kind of grab his hand. It is clear that the prince, who is a typical of the United States Special Forces equipment seals grease paint face left to the Prince of the right hand down directly to the needs of army knives stabbed rapidly to the Prince of throat----- call-Prince did not stop the fire could not be left for the moment sword -- the "--" to the throat and stabbed the sword, but this is not. The United

He can do now is the rescue

the Controller, press the red button! The situation will be heard lunatic moment 9 Yuan wound dealt with, in 9 yuan could cover the body, "he said 9 yuan, you must be strong, you will be nothing! " At this time, the H-----h-----in the open grassland, enemy brave.. However, the former one moment, the enemy had been bombed a moment of fragmented. Taking advantage of the explosion of the cover of blue Hao washed into the abyss where 9, the convulsion of 9 yuan blue Hao said nothing, because it is not their decision, he can do now is the rescue. Then he will bring home---- Pat lunatic shoulders, and he indicated he will be raised to a nearby jungle. fire burning in the rain, the dead bodies in the rain was silent, and the injured have been mourning the enemy wailing sound, the prince has shifted the attack, in a tree waiting for the US forces in the coming seals. "Hurry up, I know you here. "The prince said quietly in their eyes search of the enemy. Blue Hao and insane 9 Yuan carried into the jungle, in a tree in the following, "We will not give up your 9 yuan. You are here, we, as soon as you go home! " In the bushes Stinger and did not look beyond recognition of the bombing of the open space in front of the vigilance of the fact that the United States Special Forces will appear in the seals. The Blue Fangs Hao and insane has come around, "the situation? " "No enemy! "fangs prudent said. Empty the dead on the ground, so the quiet and tranquility of the people are scared. Blue Hao hand wiped off the face of heavy rain and sweat, and guard against the expected forward---- At this moment, the news sniper group found lonely voice "enemy, 2 O, clock in the direction, louboutin shoes it is not clear how many people? " "Oh, finally came. In a tree, "says Wang. "prepared to fight. "The voice of blue Hao. The enemy carefully into the bombing of the bushes, quiet in the way. Suddenly, it seems that they found the blue Hao, rapid and accurate shooting and side to move quickly to the Blue Bird Ho their cuisine. bullets in the air dance, but this is very accurate, blue Hao they were not raised his head to head the repression "damned! Ho called "blue" attack group, what you want to cover. " The group did not attack sounds, does it mean that the accident. Blue HO did not dare to think about, and quickly come up with a high explosive grenade was thrown out, "Fire! "boom---- enemy grenades were found in the next stop on the two groups of Members of the gap grasp the opportunities, fast shot, not the enemy is famous seals, without hesitation the shooting. Fang hold in the hearts of the stomach, gas, has been suppressed. Despite the end of RT-156 pipe machine guns, two late directly to avoid the enemy swept into mud meat---- "soon. ! the "Blue Hao Voice Command, to stand up to 95 rifles and assault. Otherwise, if a moment in the suppression of the Force would perish. GROUP 2 OF THE Member does not hesitate in blue Hao, led by rapid strike-Dance bullets in the air, and wash the explosions in the sky. Also in the rain, no purpose to drift---- Walking in the rain bullets and shells in the air Golden Dance----- The first chapter, No. 22 The chapter 22 Ho The Lan is expressionless not far away from the enemy fire, the port side forward side of the 95 rifle shooting, Golden shells in the blue Ho 3 feet

2010년 11월 2일 화요일

Not to anyone

Eat this meal is the clear suppression, although the table sat a table full of people, but there is no communication between themselves and, on the contrary make people feel very stiff.
Murong Kam eat fast, Fangxiawankuai Road would be for toffee, "Princess Mother, son plans to go to the library to see the fortress, and enjoy yourself."
He departed, seems to have taken away their hearts that side of the Princess, it seems fortunate princes them tonight and would not move any of these people.
The clear only to bow to eat, toffee rather looked with profound and cooling off.
Rice louboutin shoes will be on completion of cooling off, "you come to the temple bar the mother is Princess."
Toffee the clear will go all the way to follow the temple.
Looked at the shrine dedicated to the clear with a kindly face on the white jade Guanyin Bodhisattva, surrounded Incense smoke, solemn.
Toffee leisurely on the clear channel, "called the wife of the road, but also emphasizes reciprocity."
Toffee said that was the clear and Murong Kam own, but she is a tender mouth of the Road, "the clear dull, please express Princess Mother."
Gently pick up the rosary Toffee Transfer among a few fingers under the Road, "Jin Er since sent a mink cape to you, as a wife you should be grateful for his care, so as to promote the feelings of the couple ah!"
Toffee saw today, and the clear relationship between Fang Shaoqi those small clues.
She does not want any trouble out of this one again, not to anyone, as this only with the clear hope that the couple Murong Kam feelings of harmony.

Wanted her children gone is not no way

Xiang Fei laughed gently, "back door to my cousin sister in the crowd could have broke, but it is the intent to marry this cousin Dah Chong Zhao prince country is first male beauty."
Jealousy ②
Ying Fei hurled the Road, "was not a stone that is too hot can you cover him, thinking that this side of the Princess of the place is only temporary, and sooner or later will become the mistress of the palace that Zhao, who knows, he really waiting for That Huangmaoyatou grown Qujin the door! I am now in the palace ah, did not have a position, and had wanted to be pregnant with a Yinanbannv the years to consolidate its position in the palace, is now the princes are riding since there is no wedding I step into the door. "
Xiang Fei asked, "Mu snow that is still poisoned, caring kids all right?"
Ying Fei nodded, "she told the child lives are hard, I heard that in the end have a high fever, princes obstinately to himself thoroughly with ice water washout to her cool, was actually her and her children are all right belly . Now I am a prince Zheng Yanqiao not, if future snow that still gave birth to a Yinanbannv Mu, I can position a little bit of Barbara is gone. "
Xiang Fei piercing eyes flash Road, "in fact, wanted her children gone is not no way, it can also christian louboutin shoes on sale allow Chao princes thought it was deliberately she did not get the child."
Ying Fei very big eyes wide and said, "What way?"
Xiang Fei hint of a laugh, "just do not know the cousin you dare?"
Ying Fei begged, "I do not tell you the good cousin cousin guessing, you,re resourceful young age."
Xiang Fei, see behind the palace eunuchs were they throw off a large section of the far, he whispered in the ear attached to Ying Fei some secret language.
Ying Fei is eyes staring at the big, said after listening to Xiang Fei asked, "So you can let her children gone?"
Xiang Fei nodded, "I,m good at flavoring, and a slight knowledge of medical knowledge, where you do not have stayed in this palace, the palace said chi heavy, difficult to have children gave birth to, in fact, but left the inside of these tricks mischief nothing more. "Her eyes were deep like the deep glacial lakes, cold and look bottomless.
Ying Fei and, "but after all, princes of the genetically related."
Xiang Fei pat her shoulder, "but it is not you with the princes of the genetically related ah, you do not have to say, if it still gave birth to a Yinanbannv Mu snow, and you in this palace has no place in it is more to consider how to do it yourself. "
Instructions ①
The evening back to Zhao Ying concubine palace, the heart has been thinking about Xiang Fei said to her words.
Dinner, the hall lights, the clear Murong Kam sat quietly beside eating a bowl of food, toffee suddenly caught in the piece of chicken into the clear bowl, "you pregnant and more eat! "
The clear nodded, "Thank you mother Princess!"
Murong Kam Although still very cold one face, but no one looking out of his eyes from time to time Piaoxiang cooling off with a bit of concern.
Toffee care, Murong Jin is attention, are deeply hurt the Ying Fei.
Her heart sounded over and over again the words of Xiang Fei, which is genetically related princes, and princes, but not genetically related her.

The bottom layer of the cupboard that has a white military uniform

Wake up already twilight, golden twilight streaming into the house in the clear leaning on the window, thinking about it complicated heart Fang Shaoqi.
At that very moment, far to see a purple robe Murong twill collar Jin came up and down like he was covered in a layer of plated gold, reminding us of scenes Heaven.
Does have a cooling off a bit to see him to tension, it seems like every time they broke up all conversation.
Murong into Daofang Zhong Jin, see some cautious of the clear, looking at her, hesitated a moment, "you body better?"
The clear smiled politely, "nothing serious, and courtesy of Royal Highness to miss."
Last night he came to her tuck, today gave her sable cloak.
The clear view of the heart of the Murong Kam has changed, but it is not love.
Murong Jin nodded, "That is good! I,ll take something."
Walked in front of said cabinet, the bottom layer of the cupboard that has a white military uniform.
Jin had a room here is Murong, since the wedding, he has been living in the library on the second floor.
Jealousy ①
Imperial Garden, the autumn wind howling, Ying Fei Xiang Fei Road smile, "life is good cousin, who is married to the emperor, is such a favorite in a three thousand, but so are the envy of women the world ah!"
Xiang Fei smiled gently, fold down the blooming chrysanthemums, Xinshou piece tearing petals, "but the concubines also, ah, just like the waves of the bamboo shoots after the rain, the Emperor is fond of me, maybe This day became a fallen woman. "Xiang Fei complained.
Ying Fei Xiang Fei gently touched the belly Road, "you work harder cousin is pregnant with a Dragon as soon as possible, christian louboutin shoes on sale seat of the place that master meter world not to be within sight."
Xiang Fei Ying slightly tilted red mouth that road, "since the shock of the assassin gang Zhong Sheng Jia Festival, the emperor had been almost two weeks not call it lucky wives, and I was not that easy to conceive ah!"
Xiang Fei think of anything like the Road, "Yes, Princess Zhao poisoning, and now all right?"
Princess Princess Ying Zhao said it reminded her Murong Kam cold heart to look to the airway, "has just finished the wedding ... ... Royal Highness does not like her, and she poisoned the princes to overnight in guarding her, I kindly let princes to me that something to eat, he was also kicked out of the house was the eldest son of the prime minister to find out what kind of magic immortality, and now all right. "
She wanted to say that the wedding had just finished Princess Zhao was driven out of the royal princes, but this body, after all, big, ugly Kwan, she was afraid that she had it been allowed out Murong Jin Jue Shegen afraid I can not Qingrao her disorder, so She had no place even the palace. Although Xiang Fei was her cousin, she was afraid of complications.
Xiang Fei wavefront micro-switch and asked, "do not all still rumors that the snow was a teenage Xiaowa Mu when the prince saw her this side of Chao after they decided not to stand at attention Princess, just as she grew up, like my cousin so background conditions, but also made a side room, how will this prince did not like her? "
Ying Fei Road, "the hearts of princes deep sea, who can guess the know!" Her heart is love Mumu Rong Jin, but it is very afraid of him.

Toffee is the first time I saw

Fang Shaoqi want to get up but it is just a prop heavy body fell on the bed right again, Toffee Some anxious, "You Lie So now you need to convalesce!"
Fang Shaoqi slightly sorry for the Road, "a labor Toffee trip came less Qi heart sorry!"
Toffee eyes seem to have cast a layer of mist, his face is same applies the usual easy-going calm Road, "which always drag you help me in running a stock, look at you it should be!" Her heart there is a voice quietly said, I,m sorry you kids!
This time, the middle-aged woman walked up dressed to Road, "less Qi, you wake up like, all the government people are worried about you too!"
Fang Shaoqi a faint laugh, "you worry about the Mother."
That sound of your mother, so toffee a trance, looking back at that middle-aged woman, if it had not an accident, perhaps a sense of loss ... ... her heart smile, life is not so much of this assumption is true she walked life.
Qi nice to see her less, she is also relieved.
Worried ③
Toffee Lady, see the prime minister looked at her, slightly Fu Fu the body.
Toffee got up, "we have to go back, Fang Gongzi your body a good rest now!"
Court party, the prime minister never bother to attend his wife, which the prime minister said the government the first time it was toffee, his wife, toffee christian louboutin sale is the first time I saw.
Nostalgia looked at the clear weakness of the Fang Shaoqi, but also had to follow the toffee to leave.
Back of the sedan chair, the clear weakness against some of embroidered brocade mandarin ducks playing in the water that the argument on the pillow, her heart upset state.
She was very worried Fang Shaoqi, and she is able to see her try to fight for the most vigorously.
Think that a trace of his mouth he gets concerned about the smile, the clear just feel in my chest is full of sour.
Lingering sense of heart, called about!
Back to the palace, the clear thing that strikes you very tired, ripped the head of the hairpin and lay Manzhang fell asleep fully clothed.
Only practical in that sense is not sleep.

"You all right like

That this time her maid opened the blue Manzhang, Fang Shaoqi a white silk clothing lying there, his face pale and his forehead is slightly reddish big stars big stars of sweat.
This time Fang Shaoqi is concubine immediately seized hold of his shot Kam sweat wipe his brow, looked at the white fingers of the clear holding that the clear shiny pink handkerchief wiped his forehead as Fang Shaoqi the sweat, the clear thinking, even if their is no way this thing is for him to do.
Fang Shaoqi looked pale face, the clear mind that soreness suddenly felt a sense of overflowing chest.
Toffee deep glance at the closed eyes Fang Shaoqi, the prime minister Road, "Laoshen son took some years to come Ganoderma lucidum, also do not give up hope, hope Fang Gongzai soon, if it is to find that the antidote to the Princess Zhao, your son will not be affected by this pain, Zhao palace from top to bottom grateful. "
Only the surface of some of the courtesy, just one of the hidden meaning, and perhaps only toffee and adults, well aware of the prime minister.
Worried ②
Fang Shaoqi is brow slightly wrinkled, just listen to the channel that Shiqie surprise, "son woke up!"
Fang Shaoqi laborious opened his eyes, his hand blocking the light, look around before the next prime minister found himself back in government.
Then he was stupefied to see a lot of people around the side, a closer look and was greeted by the clear, christian louboutin on sale since a trace of his mouth lighted road involved, "Hello it!"
The clear immediately seized, swelling in the chest seems a thousand words, but it is a moment I do not know what to say, and now her identity, he and she, although close, but far apart.
That eventually turned into his mouth a thousand words but a simple, "Thank you!"
Fang Shaoqi from the mouth involves faint smile, "You all right like, your baby okay?" He spoke very laborious, but such a simple sentence he dyspnea so much!
The clear hard nodded, "all good!" Has been fighting back tears in his eyes.
Toffee came forward at this time, in speaking of the Fang Shaoqi Road, "Fang Gongzi to take good care of."

2010년 10월 14일 목요일

Lanhu Die: these In which, both in Taiwan and the mainland

Lanhu Die: these In which, both in Taiwan and the mainland, there are many from the quite similar to the early Chin. .Lanhu Die: few weeks ago, you participated in the Mainland, Hunan Satellite TV's talent show The classic song New EP br Meng Tingwei: just a dream of fresh attempt and practice., because the album producer Xia Yan in Beijing, I had to self-self in Taipei, for their own recordings as a cameo from producer. .Lanhu Die: and the works of the past Meng Tingwei comparison, think his biggest Christian Louboutinchange is? .Meng Tingwei: EP than the biggest change is the title song, . .Lanhu Die: Main works of musical styles, there is a helplessness and adrift, the control of emotion and sound and not too far and should be appropriate interpretation of the hidden in the hearts of the sad and free and easy.
Lanhu Die: EP which is the most extraordinary works of your own creation comfort many people. the same is that many people accompany me walk this lonely road of music, full of blessings and courage. This is what I want to say all the feelings.

Next, you still want to try to do in other areas?

Next, you still want to try to do in other areas? .Mengting Wei: I naturally accept life's fate, the cause of good luck also with the natural away to meet the challenges. .Lanhu Die: In recent years, you actually have very little new work published, and you have not to pay attention to the trend of popular music ah? .Meng Tingwei: Now the popular music of the multi- of which I am glad to see so that musicians have more room to play.
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So, it made more like a blog to read Mengting Wei's friends,

So, it made more like a blog to read Mengting Wei's friends, in fact, I have good like 20 years: .Lanhu Die: his debut 20 years ago, your feelings most? .Meng Tingwei: This two decades singing in my life too many people give me the blessing and encouragement, this is my life the largest gains and wealth. .Lanhu Die: You can say one, you 20 years in the music inside, but what most impressed you one thing right?
Meng Tingwei: pop out the end of 2000 and 2005 years back singer. .Lanhu Die: Each singer will have different stages of their career, in your opinion, now Moncler Mengting Wei is standing on his own singing career that stage it? .Meng Tingwei: If three phases and is currently the third stage, the most comfortable truest most natural state. .Lanhu Die: In the past 20 years inside, you sing a lot of well-known classic songs, if you use one word to described his 20 years in the music, what would you use a word? ? .Meng Tingwei: so many friends, Kwong Lee beings, the general public because of my voice heard born loving heart is the deepest of the many friends . .always conform to the natural good luck ... .Lanhu Die: As a singer, you sing and hair in addition to chip, you have also filmed ads, also presided over aspects of drama and have made attempts in The new EP in the first time you record when the co-ordination and production.

Representative: , nine seconds even if the resurrection of heart

Representative: , nine seconds even if the resurrection of heart, I become dark gray, light will not love me, I appreciate someone in this world ...friends, although the surface, she is so in public before the media music, one lonely coffee taste. This is strange entertainment, look is so out of tune, then the sub-groups, perhaps only in their favorite music, she will break out. empty keep track of life with the outbreak Chen Lin on the A side and B side. .Chen Lin sister, accompanied by music, like all the best!
empty vase Disclaimer: I blog purely Christian Louboutin original or exclusive finishing the text, if Web site, print or other media reproduced, Please signed: empty vase rights reserved. For more information, brokerage, please contact me. QQ: 756309419 (non-cooperation not to interfere) .The visit was three weeks ago to do a few, thank you Mengting Wei and her company's support staff! Is also the most satisfied I have done this year to visit. .Visit the original reason for doing this is to help MUSIC space, which has cut the contents of this visit.

1976.Empty Vase .paper reported: October 31, 2009, the mainland singer Lin Chen's body

1976.Empty Vase .paper reported: October 31, 2009, the mainland singer Lin Chen's body, in the East Dam, Building 701, Olympic Garden 3 was found, she allegedly committed suicide, aged 39. Also, a pop music leaders chosen to leave this world and touched many people's music scene, a big sister died in his own way. is the emotional sustenance can not find suitable work? is the only music star can not find Herve Leger The next exit? or an idea want instant relief under? only Chen Lin, I know. .emotional AB surface .Representative: the world, across a line of no confidence, always afraid of each other that beautiful lie ...She will complete the investment.
In fact, the feelings of such people is very easy route hurt, and if they find themselves, after being hurt, not trust the purity of love, and no longer have thought to go into, even flew to their delivery to the others, also destined to be left in the feelings of the line surface .representative: love, and if the loss of feeling, forget even the ...terms of endorsement, while the trend. insisted that Chen Lin and break through the musical journey of the A side and B side. .life AB surface .

2010년 10월 9일 토요일

I will always remember the picture

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2010년 10월 6일 수요일

Before Wan Xiaoli singing could be a little oily feeling

before Wan Xiaoli singing could be a little oily feeling, but the first gyroscope, he used an almost coarse voice, straightforward to cut open the inner Herve Leger true feelings, such does not leave modified, moving in a kind of low power its own office. In fact, not only the simple folk melody and singing it, folk songs are simple songs often have a simple but thought-provoking thought and perception of life, often heard after makes you think, ah, right ah, life really is like that sometimes, this is folk who insist that every gesture and the emergence of an attempt to lie, 10 Wang Zheng, melodious be said to symbolize the trend of music features simple provocations from the body to touch the heart of the regression tendency, but also on behalf of the singer appeared under focus more inclusive attitude: it allows the emergence of more and more music form However, the emergence of more and more shape means more competition and contest Herve Leger Bandage Dress the existence of who the final Who is going to stay, melee, the singer may once again become a new mainstream trend right. views are only representative of the above my personal opinion, tile, and welcomes more rational discussion, I think that is exactly what we expect to discuss the results, it is possible to really have an effect on this music thing.
as I said before, the Top Ten represent only a selection of the fans involved in a real-time voting results, not necessarily ranked eleventh on the ratio of the difference Herve Leger Dress came in tenth place where. ranked in the number of real significance here is not just a formality, fans also need not too seriously. In fact, did not eventually enter the top ten songs are both very good, such as Zheng Jun's expression;

And Windsor's This is the first Every little girl this age's mind

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2010년 9월 26일 일요일

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2010년 9월 25일 토요일

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3, All products are paid shall begin after the painting

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everything is ready

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2010년 9월 20일 월요일

Grape Firming Mask select green grapes

Grape Firming Mask select green grapes . first frozen and then broken down, mud Fuyu directly to the surfce of grapes, minutes to clean, slightly to time, grape mask can help you get smooth and firm skin. : Strawberry Acne Mask strawberry , tsp of flour, a little yogurt, honey tsp. rinse with water river strawberry juice; the flour moncler and yogurt mixture into the strawberry juice and honey and mix well. surface covered m minutes after the wash. strawberry itself the role of disinfection and convergence, and may control the secretion of the skin strong. a lot of cleaning and nutrition have joined the strawberry mask the ingredients, but also because it is mild or exciting, the reason for all skin types. : Apple suction side bun to half a peeled apple and pour into the mud applied to the face, m minutes after the water wash can moncler jackets be.
every other day, a course of days. Apple in the acid component can absorbs excess surface oil, make the skin smooth, moist, soft white, can also remove the skin acne, freckles, dark spots and so on. : Moisturizing Mask first tomato crushed tomato juice, adding amount of honey and a little flour into a paste, applied to the face to keep m minutes can make the skin moist, soft white, soft, not dried. : kiwi white eggs one side bun , kiwi . Kiwi chopped, pounded. remove the egg yolk with the remaining moncler sale Beat the egg, adding kiwifruit pulp, thoroughly mixed. applied to the surface, until minutes after the wash with warm water. kiwifruit contains very rich in vitamins, The eggs are rich in protein and minerals, a combination of both, to provide adequate nutrients for the skin and help fade spots, skin also gradually become white elastic.

milk mask to about ml milk into a container

milk mask to about ml milk into a container, soak mask paper. the milk soaked paper apply to the face mask. lying on the sofa to minutes. and the eternal mask of paper, washed with water to the face. role White. Remember to use fresh milk, milk can not be used. red wine red wine mask ml, tablespoons of honey, a little pearl powder mixed, P90X applied to the face, about minutes, wash with warm water. whitening effect. tofu mask broken a piece of tofu, drained of water with gauze. adding g g flour and honey and mix evenly onto face, leave minutes after the wash. effect could make the skin white and transparent. bitter bitter cold mask to minutes, then cut into thin slices, affixed to the face . minutes after the wash. role of whitening, moisturizing. black mask black tea tablespoons brown sugar tablespoons flour a little, adequate water. p90x workout black tea and brown sugar to boiling water a moment, cooling to ~ degrees. add the flour and mix thoroughly, applied to the face, minutes after the wash. the role of white skin, moist. egg mask preparation of this method is rather long. the amount of eggs immersed in wine, sealed days out. every night before bed, with egg white surface covered.
role in moisturizing, whitening, wrinkles. loofah gourd mask fresh juiced, filtration, add a spoonful of flour, applied to the face for minutes to minutes, then wash with warm water. role in maintaining skin tender, white. mask watermelon watermelon juice, p90x dvd set
add milk and flour, Tu Yun entire face, wash after minutes, or times a week. role in bringing more black thick white skin and shrink pores. This method is solar tan skin is better. : Lemon freckle facial mask cotton-like egg beaten, mixed with lemon juice, deposited in the face about minutes, ten rinse. lemon juice to deep clean and coherent endocrine too strong in the oil, the whitening beauty cream cosmetics, the lemon ingredient is particularly prevalent.

the surface covered with less wrinkles agent increase skin elasticity effect

the surface covered with less wrinkles agent increase skin elasticity effect. . Milk + Strawberry Methods: grams of mashed strawberries to double gauze filter, take juice cup fresh milk transferred, the mix of strawberry milk coating obtained after to massage the face and neck, face, neck and keep the milk in about minutes to clean. According to the record of this ancient beauty secret milk as one of the Swiss christian louboutin skin care that can nourish and clean the skin, a mild astringent, also have anti-wrinkle effect. , bleach freckle facial mask . milk + flour + hydrogen peroxide + water Methods: a spoonful of milk, two spoons of hydrogen peroxide, spoons of flour and some water and stir carefully, and then use soft brush Tuyun face mask to be completely dry, then washed with warm water. join the system in order to mask christian louboutin shoes the water better than distilled water free of impurities;
deposited touch with eyebrows and eyes should be avoided. . milk surface covered can add luster mask benefit is a deep cleansing effect, however, if no time homemade mask, surface covered daily milk alone, then, if sustained, apply - times a week can make the skin glossy. Methods: milk poured into a clean face wash basin, and then thin towel in the face; to be the surface of the milk completely dried up, wait a few minutes to clean water can be. , eliminating eye edema effect of milk is also a christian louboutin sale tightening of the skin, if found in the morning eyelid edema, available water amount of milk and vinegar and mix thoroughly, then repeatedly tap the lid on to minutes, then hot towel moment, eyes quickly became swelling. want simple point can first two cotton pads soaked in cold milk, and then deposited in the swelling of the eyelids for about minutes, then washed with clean water can be.


Materials: a glass of milk, flour amount, a small bowl. . practice: first milk warm place to place a few days, so a lot of lactic acid fermentation; then an appropriate amount of fermented milk and flour on the small bowl and stir into a thick flour paste. Do not be stressed too thin, otherwise it is impossible to mask coating thickness. used herve leger to ferment milk, can not use low-fat, whole milk must be general. If you can get fresh raw milk is the best. proportionally when necessary to adjust the concentration of water . materials ready, next is the full spreading face process: . smearing fermented milk, massage for one minute.
scrubbed with hot towel facial. . the milk mask thick painted the whole face, wait to minutes with warm water. . tap water or other weak acid green tea lotion and let it dried. . to make fermented milk, cream rubbed face. If you can not put their special smell, herve leger dress can also be used fresh milk, cream, or mixed substituted. . milk face mask can be used as both, did not have to clean the face before and after use. using four After five back, new skin will feel reborn. , moisturizing anti-wrinkle Mask . milk + flour Methods: spoons of milk and three spoons of flour and mix well, was transferred herve leger bandage dress to paste, painted face, until mask is dry, wash with warm water according to the steps carefully cleaned. can only apply this mask twice a week, too frequently on the skin but not good. . olive oil + milk + flour Methods: tablespoon milk, Add a few drops of olive oil and a little flour and mix well, apply in a clean surface, dry to warm water.

2010년 9월 18일 토요일

the urinary system help to rule out kidney toxins

the urinary system help to rule out kidney toxins. Dr. Wang Tips: this day can eat coarse grain porridge and fruit, avoid eat meat food. while eating too fast, chewing food thoroughly can secrete more saliva, and in the Toxic substances and remove more toxins. recommend Bowen: bald, hair loss, do not worry salt mm Liang Yan Magical Body of mm how to destroy the beautiful killer, what kind of pouch christian louboutin eyelid for your first treatment mysterious holographic their beauty Here are a few good recipes, Amy Mei-Mei quickly to try oh: NO.: cheese a key + lemon juice a key = cheese Cleansing Cream of the above three mixed coating material then wash with warm water in his face, put on some toner and moisturizers, have a good whitening effect. NO.: appropriate amount of cucumber juice + lemon juice
cup of water = Firming Cream cucumber cut into the first mixer in Jiaocheng paste, with a fresh lemon juice and cup of water mixed with a cotton swab lightly coated in the face, tightening up the skin immediately. br NO.: = christian louboutin shoes conditioner mayonnaise salad with mayonnaise are high in protein and fat, make hair healthy glow. the right amount of mayonnaise spread on wet hair, massage for minutes, then hot water wash, the hair will become for shine. NO.: cold milk = Mission to the faces badly bruised the cotton soaked in cold milk soak, remove the dressing in the eyes of the christian louboutin sale
minutes, and then on the eyelids Shop pears or pineapple, wet eyes brighter. It is said, that was the secret of Hollywood stars. NO.: peanut butter = soft skin cream will tablespoon peanut butter spread on knees and elbows so easy to dry location, minutes after the erase, and then wash with warm water.


So, eating with a light body to adjust to achieve the purpose of Colon Cleanser naturally became a female friend after the holiday is compulsory. However, if you choose postganglionic long-term vegetarian, after all, is herve leger not realistic, a lot of people holding him to his own appetites, and secondly, it is likely to cause the body balanced nutrition. So, Dr. Wang proposed a female friend the discretion to choose some rapid detox food persist consumption, so as to achieve the effect of postganglionic detoxification beauty. In general, food recipes could be included mainly the following three categories. Category: Detox Food mm coarse meal eat more konjac, black fungus, kelp, blood, brown rice, vegetables, grains and other foods rich in dietary fiber. herve leger dress most end of the intestine is the digestive system, coupled with long and curved, not only to attract the headquarters of metabolites
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2010년 9월 12일 일요일

now decided to strike out Liaoning Children's literature

now decided to strike out Liaoning Children's literature shows the overall release the results of Liaoning Children's Literature large series, and including the current Tieling Xian Tourism Bureau Deputy Director, Tie Lingxian Writers President, Children's Literature Association Tieling Vice President and Secretary General of the young writers of short stories Xu Ying Singapore mm veteran, who works a P90X deeper impression, and Xu Ying, Singapore's works are little contact, only seen in magazines, more impressive. heard since childhood, Xu Ying-slope love of literature, from the high school had already started to publish works of literature. Therefore, although not very old, and children's literature has been created through 17, eight years. years years, he was good to complete their work, has always insisted amateur creative effort to break into children's fiction. from 1992 onwards in the young readers. has received the the closely together on the city, in his literary creation, p90x workout driven by the local atmosphere is quite active.
Tieling City as vice president of Children's Literature Association, the Secretary-General, Xu Ying Singapore attaches great importance to children's literature nature of activities, he organized the founding of the Tieling magazine, more than winning national literary awards, was named the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department, fronts to fight hard and have made great gains, it is entirely because he's hard, study hard and love the cause of children's literature. Today, this children's novel is set before him a good children's novels sum up, from which we can roughly glimpse of his children several distinct p90x dvd set novel features: a strict adherence to the tradition of realism, attention to the realities of contemporary young life, is particularly concerned about civilians in urban and rural children, children's real life. < Hui Ying, Singapore's Children's novel is written almost exclusively to the reality of contemporary children's lives, especially civilians, children, urban and rural children's real life.

2010년 9월 10일 금요일

This is my opinion Start kissing her nose

This is my opinion Start kissing her nose, lips, chin, neck, had been down ...... I carefully guided her to orgasm.
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2010년 9월 8일 수요일

He looked at them

He looked at them, and they looked at him, so * rather than pay. curse. Two days ago, a missile fell on his house in town, almost all destroyed, fortunately, he survived. So he decided not to open a taxi, and he planned for today the final done business trip, the wife and children to leave this place together. place to see a christian louboutin photograph of the driver's seat, broke the glass frame, but the pictures, the smiling faces of his wife and three children still make him feel the only comforting thing. Soon, he reached a checkpoint, the roadside Many parked tanks, then the long barrel and polygonal head out of nothing is not Han Li. a lot of heavily armed foreign soldiers standing on the roadside. a foreign soldier hand signaled to him to stop, he will be a pull oneself together, to stop the car. these days, almost no civilian vehicles from the capital out, so now, on the road in addition to tanks, the only car he had. a few foreign soldiers came forward, christian louboutin shoes one, two, three, four , 5. there is a break led looked at this car, bent down, looked at him and asked: understand the language unfamiliar to answer: will this end? your wife and children? I also have two children, and their age, almost. back, a taxi driver during the war years was too dangerous, I do not want done. you go to my home, my wife will make you eat. go together, the last business trip, do not accept your money. asked his wife and children well, ; he still smiled, picked up the broken frame, the photo and kissed it, then turned and christian louboutin sale looked at the soldiers that are still carried away, and his gun around other foreigners. a single word He said:
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2010년 9월 2일 목요일

If this time people open the door to China

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2010년 9월 1일 수요일

Long time no see glad

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2010년 8월 31일 화요일

spring and summer men's field of color analysis

spring and summer men's field of color analysis of Show integrated spring and summer 2009 men's show the trend of popular games from the show field conference, summed up the object reference for men's shoes . designers more and more preference for bright colors, bold red is particularly prominent. other bright colors such as orange, pink and purple hues have joined the modern. bright and unexpected color becoming more common, saturated and vibrant.

spring and summer fashion trends shoes this season, the sports shoes will present a more elegant style, comfortable and very luxurious look. leather and fabric will be the main fabric, decorated with ribbon and lattice style fabric. width and reflects the design of more comfort. Some joined the innovative Check element, its comfortable and elegant style to add a sub-low-aristocracy of England the United States.

2010년 8월 30일 월요일

Construction Bank transferred to a comrade

Construction Bank transferred to a comrade: Today through a front door, in front of the ATM. One old man, has been looked at me and walked beside him, suddenly stopped me. He said he had not read, get a mention subsection card to me to help him in the front door of the automated teller machine. I said I can not help you get, call security to help you. The results, he answered I said no, keep looking the other passers-by to help him withdraw money. a friend We need to remember ATM, but there are cameras --- yeah.

robbery, or if he said I stole his ATM card, or even his card is stolen, to help him pick up the money left in the ATM video, Mo definitely make you 100 defense! I will warn! is because my colleagues have taken in, are still lawsuits. Obviously this is a scam looking for stand-up! Please spread out ~ ~ ~ force is really endless deception, believe it will step into the trap, I am really very hard to detect!

Shaoyaoju an owner, a sudden power failure at home, outside the window to see people at home have electricity, they go see their own electric meter box, opened the door was a knife touching the mm knife burglary. family suddenly loses power, do not rush to open the door view, there are multiple observations for a cat outside the movement, not cat's eye also Gezhao Men listening for some time, no abnormal ring and then open the door.

2010년 8월 26일 목요일

Construction of Administrative Reform and Government

Construction of Administrative Reform and Government,mm reading of the rule of law necessity, in order to better understand and master the basic concept of the rule of law and the framework of the government, I seriously read this book. and led me to the Contemporary Chinese Administrative Reform and Rule of Law-related thinking. I think the government should build the rule of law China's long-term objectives of administrative reform, and reform of administrative system of government is building the rule of law means and channels.one of content this book that the rule of law, the Government refers to the basis of modern democracy and market economy on, in order to realize the people's fundamental rights and freedoms as the starting point and ultimate goal of the government authority comes from the law and subject to the law, the Government will carry out its mandate and strict liability of the government. The book detailed and comprehensive description of the rule of law and government basic idea:First of all, the rule of law the government is. people have the various interest groups, most people end up having the final say. of course, people also can make mistakes, most people make mistakes, but there is rule of law allows people to promptly correct its mistakes.

2010년 8월 25일 수요일

according to the characteristics

according to the characteristics of the spring and its own actual situation, the establishment of a scientific and reasonable development of diet plans, some justice, the proper use of food aid the vitality of hair growth, development, and strong solar energy sector. as drinking a glass of milk , more than three grams per day of protein absorption, enhanced physique so healthy bones and teeth of the push. Moncler In addition to live every day without weaning, diet should be a warm winter in Ottawa into a specific unit of the United States. to deploy in the spring diet, P90X food intake regulation. First, eat more fresh vegetables. such as bamboo shoots, spinach, celery and other green vegetables. Second, in animal foods, eat less high fat food, fat, should be noted that high-quality protein, such as fish, feed intake, egg,Christian Louboutin soy and soy products. Third, a large number of listed spring is the season of fresh fruits and vegetables a day should eat fruits and vegetables,the total number of 500 grams dry. Fourth, take the initiative to drinking water.